Christian Education Ministries

Christian Education Ministries

Bible Study

Our Bible Study has been functioning since the inception of our church.  Lessons range from book studies to direct detailed Bible studies of the books of the Bible.  We meet for our general Bible Study from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on all Wednesdays except the first Wednesdays when we have prayer service instead.

Men’s Fellowship

Our Men’s Fellowship is led by the men of Zion and is a strong pillar of evangelism and education in our community as we pray for the empowerment and even entrepreneurship for those served every Wednesday at 9:30 am spiritually and physically through Bible Study and breakfast.  Clothing and supplies are also distributed at these assemblies as well. We honor the opportunity to not forsake the gathering of the saints and instead to exhort one another as we are blessed to do unto the least of these (Hebrews 10:25 and Matthew 25:40).

Sunday School

Our Sunday School has adult and children’s classes each Sunday at 9:00 am.  We follow a guide for Sunday School lessons for adults but are developing a “3-Question Series” for Biblical characters for our youth.  We offer a continental breakfast during this time of fellowship as we educate, evangelize and empower through these Biblical teachings. 

Youth Department

The Youth Ministry currently serves youth up to 18 years of age.  We offer opportunities for our youth to evangelize through serving on the program during Youth Sunday Service, assisting with collection of offerings specifically for the youth each Sunday and singing in the Youth Choir.  We believe in training up a child in the way she or he should go so that when they are old they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6) and in this way educate our youth for evangelism, empowerment and entrepreneurship.

Young Women’s Ministry

Young Women’s Ministry was started in January of 2017 and operates in line with the mission statement of Mt. Zion educating God’s people and empowering them through the Ministry where evangelism and Entrepreneurship meet, Psalm 37:23-35 and I Timothy 5:1-2 remain our foundation verses.