Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

20 Replies to “Prayer Wall”

  1. Good afternoon! I’m trying to speak to someone about some assistance. I hate to ask especially in this difficult unusual time. But I am a mother of four and just recently relocated here to help my mother who is disabled in a wheelchair and have now put myself in a bind. I’m just needing help to do laundry, gas, and diapers. If there’s anything at all your church can help my little family with you can message me here or text or call at 828-467-9306. Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from someone soon! God bless!

  2. Please continue to pray for my family. Also, I’m praying for financial stability for me and my children and the removal of addiction.

    1. We are praying for you and declaring peace over you family and freedom from any bonds of addiction, in Jesus’ name!

    1. For we know that Jesus will carry all of our burdens and give us peace in the middle of any storm. Be strong in the Lord and carry him at His word! We are here for you and love you!

  3. I need to be close to God. Please pray that God will draw me to Himself through Jesus Christ and give me victory over all sin. I also struggle a lot with being single. Please pray that Jesus Christ will help me meet the lady He wants me to marry, a Godly wife would be a true blessing to me. Thank you so much for your prayers and God bless you.

    1. Jonathan we have received your prayer and petitioned God on your behalf. We continue to pray that he answers your prayer in a timely fashion. Do you have a church home?

      1. Yes I do have a church home. I attend a Reformed church. I’m sorry it took so long to reply I missed your message. I truly appreciate your prayers for me. Thank you.

  4. Prayers requested for the Culbert family. Also Gerald, a young man, who is sick. Also our Healthcare workers, patients, and even the non-believers as we go through this difficult time. I thank God for all He has, is, and will do.

    1. Thank you for sending those requests. We will begin praying and keep them before us. God is a healer, protector, and comforter in times like these. Be blessed!

    1. God can mend every heart. We are praying for restoration of love and relationships, in JESUS’ mighty name! Be blessed!

  5. I’m trying to become better at life. It has been a long road and journey but I am ready to be happy and content I just don’t know how yet. I’m asking y’all to pray that I find my way and pray that I can just be happy again. I’m at the end of my rope and I just need something good in my life. Please keep me in your prayers.

    1. For God so loved the world and YOU that He gave his ONLY begotten son so that you may have life and have it more abundantly. We are praying for you and invite you to come and join us so that we can love on you. Be encouraged!!! We praying for you!

  6. Please pray for me and my mom I recently loss my dog due to a car accident. He was one of my main coping strategies because I deal with ptsd and depression. I am in financial ruins because of all the money spend for hospital bills. I also sent claims to the va and they all got denied except one I am asking for praying that I get rated at least 30 % I also am asking for prayers for a financial miracle I need help please pray for me and mom that we can also find happiness. I feel like everything is weighing on me and I can’t breathe, I have had thoughts of suicide but I’m trying not to

    1. Heather,

      You are in our prayers. There is nothing like the peace and joy that Christ can bring. We welcome you to join us in our services and bible studies so that we can love on you and share the peace and hope that we have through Christ Jesus!

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