Young Women Ministry

Young Women’s Ministry was started in January of 2017 and operates in line with the mission statement of Mt. Zion educating God’s people and empowering them through the Ministry where evangelism and Entrepreneurship meet, Psalm 37:23-35 and I Timothy 5:1-2 remain our foundation verses. Our goals are:

  1. To build and sustain a ministry for the purpose of promoting the spiritual growth and maturity for young ladies between the ages of 17 and 35.
  2. To provide strong and sound spiritual guidance and mentorship for young ladies between 17 and 35.
  3. To provide routine opportunities for young ladies 17-35 to share and fellowship openly in various settings that still remain appropriate and acceptable for the Body of Christ with childcare provided so long as the mother approves and all appropriate documentation (including health history) has been provided.
  4. To have this ministry led and designed by the young ladies who are 17-35 with mentorship provided by seasoned women for resources, guidance and support.
  5. To encourage other young ladies to become involved and active in this ministry that it may grow to include the community and world at-large.

We have been blessed to sponsor and participate in multiple community- and church-related activities to encourage spiritual, financial, emotional, intellectual and family stability and maturity such as:


Monthly prayer line availability
Greatest of These (Valentine’s Day 2017) Luncheon
Sponsored Depression, Motivation, Balance, and Productivity Seminar (2018)
Sponsored #GodSquad Young Adult Revival (2018)


Biblically Based Budgeting Brunch  (2017)
Sponsored Fall Festival for youth (2017 and 2018)
Professional Workshop: Write your own check and cash it! Matthew 7:7 (2018)


Chamber of Commerce Women’s Leadership Conference (2017)


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Catherine S. Tucker Scholarship Luncheon group attendance (2017)
Sisterhood Luncheon by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. (2018) group attendance
Organized 90-day church-wide weight loss women against men (2018)